Permettetemi di fare una digressione dalle mie perline e dalla mia bigiotteria. Scrivo questo post per promuovere il blog di tre colleghe e amiche che si stanno dedicando con ottimi risultati allo scrapbooking. L'URL è:
Alice, Roberta & Sara aspettano le vostre numerose visite! Il blog è appena nato ma loro producono capolavori da tre anni, in barba alle 40 ore settimanali di lavoro, ai mariti, ai fidanzati, ecc.
May I divert from my usual subject, namely beading? I'd like to promote three colleagues' (and friends') blog about scrapbooking, a passion they have been pursuing with excellent results. The address is:
Alice, Roberta & Sara are waiting for you! The blog has been recently created but they have been producing masterpieces for three years, notwithstanding a 40-hour/w job, husbands, fiancés, etc.
NB: The blog is in Italian, but my friends are amateur photographers as well so you can look at the very beautiful pictures!
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